



Clenz Air


Herbal Bio Safety Liquid

1)Introducing CLENZ AIR: A New Class of All-Natural Bio Safety Liquid CLENZ AIR is the first of its kind, made entirely from botanical extracts and herbs.

2)Key Features:

1)Long-Lasting Protection: Single application results last for 4-6 hours.
2)Improves Ambient Air Quality: Enhances the overall air quality.
3)Effective Against Microorganisms: Provides protection against various kinds of microorganisms.
4)Preservative and Fragrance-Free: Contains no added preservatives or fragrances.
5)Cost-Efficient and Long-Term: Offers cost-effective, long-term protection.
6)Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor Use: Ideal for both indoor and outdoor environments.
7)Protects Against Pollutants and Allergens: Shields from pollutants and allergens besides microorganisms.
8)Discover more about CLENZ AIR, the herbal bio safety liquid, and view testing results here.





Major components of lemongrass like geraniol, neral, and my cell are are effective microbicidal ingredients.

Peppermint Leaves:

Components of Peppermint oil like menthol, menthone, menthol & menthyl acetate have significant microbial problems.

Components of rosemary oil like α-pinene, 1,8-cineol, and camphor have proven microbial activity.
Black Pepper Oil:

Major components of black pepper oil like b-bisabolene, a-pinene, limonene, caryophyllene are natural sanitization.

Citrus Rind:

Effective at absorbing unwanted odors, while simultaneously putting a subtle fragrance in the room. As the name indicates, they’re made with the rinds of citrus fruits, which contain citric acid that naturally neutralize odors.

Citronella Oil:

Citronella Oil prevents the growth or spread of harmful airborne bacteria, repels flying insects, uplifts negative moods, and relaxes the body and mind. It’s fragrance ease headaches, and boost energy.
Thyme Oil:

Components of thyme oil like p-cymene, myrcene, borneol. Thyme oil is effective against various microorganisms.
Neem Oil:

Neem Oil ingredients like azadiractin, Salannin, limonoids are antimicrobial by nature.


How CLENZ AIR clears microorganisms?

CLENZ AIR is perfect fusion of traditional wisdom and modern science. When CLENZ AIR misted or diffused into indoor or outdoor space the active ingredients in CLENZ AIR will Breakdown and Consume Airborne Bacteria, viruses, molds, Odors, and all other pollutants present in the air.

Where I can use CLENZ AIR?

  • CLENZ AIR is a multi-functional, multipurpose, multi-dimensional product can be used On body- As a sanitizer just few sprays on palm and rub.
  • Indoor rooms/cabins/workstations- just spray into air and repeat at 4 to 5 hours interval.
  • Outdoor/public places/stadiums etc.- spray just half feet above your head level and repeat at 2 hours interval.
  • Car-spray into AC vents or spray inside the cabin.
  • Train/bus/air travel-spray around your clothing and repeat at 3 hours gap.
  • Public rest rooms- spray on toilet seat.
  • It can be used wherever you go may be hospitals, restaurants, shops, malls, cinema theatres, saloons, spas.
  • We advise you to spray CLEANZ AIR on chair, sofa, or bench before you are sitting in public places.
  • Apart from all above CLEANZ AIR can be a good aid to your school going and college going children for their protection and prosperity in education.

Significance of CLENZ AIR during this Prevailing pandemic conditions

CLENZ AIR can offer better protection to the people during this covid outbreak.

Traditional and market available sanitizers work on merit of alcohol or IPA s ability to kill viral particles if already present on surface like palm, by applying these regular sanitizers already lodged viral particles can be cleared which a simple soap can do the same.

After your exposure to virus and before you washing your hands there is ample chance for these viruses to enter your body.

Where as CLENZ AIR works to prevent virus contamination there by it offers more kind of preventive protection which regular sanitizers cannot offer.

To understand better take the below examples

  • During these high risk days spray CLEN AIR in your house as suggested now your air and space is protected by chance some watchman or maid or courier boy comes into your house and accidentally coughs or sneezes (even he is asymptomatic carrier) what ever viral load comes out of his sneeze will be deactivated by CLENZ AIR.
  • Take another example before you are going out to a vegetable shop, milk booth or supermarket just spray CLENZ AIR on your exposed parts, hair even on cloths so any accidental viral exposure can be nullified.
  • CLENZ AIR can be sprayed on milk packets, grocery bags, on masks as a preventive measure where a regular sanitizer fails.
  • CLENZ AIR can be sprayed inside car to prevent contamination.
  • CLENZ AIR offers best preventive protection in air-conditioned rooms as you know at low temperature covid 19 activity is more.
  • In single word CLENZ AIR can be your trusted protectant during these tough days.
  • Lab tests to confirm the same are in progress and results expected in couple of days


GMP Quality

NON Toxic

100% Botanical Extracts Based

Effective against various kind of micro organism

100% chemical free

Aura Enhancer

Environmentally friendly

100% Biodegradable Water based Product

100% Natural with No added any kind of Chemicals & Fragrances

9 reviews for Clenz Air

  1. Manoj Kumar

    Cleanz air means to purify our surrounding air and can use it as a sanitizer also. Now i have become a regular user of Cleanz air and its a pocket friendly as well as handy so that i will keep it in my pocket too

  2. Kushal Dutta

    After seeing Cleanz air advertisement , I was curious to know what is homa therapy they used in it. For that I buyied the product. it has a very pleasant smell and that smell will last for 3-4 hours , you can spray over your car , mobiles. literally like anything. I am loving it and most important after using it over so many places it last for 1 month.

  3. Shaik Mahammad ali

    I am a Doctor and started recommending the combo pack of V-PRO soft gel capsules with Cleanz air for this pandemic time. Its a pure natural way of preventing ourselves from the pandemic times. Thanks Ayushvedham

  4. Dinesh kumar

    First of all i like the fact that it is not a chemical product , it feels like homatherapy where you will have the good fragrance around of kapoor as well as it does work of sanitization.

  5. Purab singh

    i have ordered this herbal sanitizer , handy in nature, super fragrance and can use it over my gadgets. its fragrance last for 3-4 hours in a closed room

  6. Sujata tiwari

    its rightly said its a homa therapy for me . clean air and fresh air . Thanks Ayushvedham

  7. Mrinali Dehingia

    Cleanz Air comes in 100ml bottle and surprisingly it last for 20-30days . Because of the pleasant smell as well as variety of uses of it with a sprinkled texture where you dont need to apply anything just spray and feel the freshness as well as protected from the Pandemic times. Thanks Ayushvedham

  8. Pramod

    I have been using cleanz air for last 1 month and i am very thankful for Ayushvedham as unlike other sanitizer it is chemical free , it doesnt irritate my hand and is safe for all cosmetics things I use. the best thing it last for 4-6 hours if i spray and feels protected with pleasant atmosphere



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